Thursday, April 18, 2013

In Response to Haley Bannon's Post

Have the high prices at big events ever kept you from purchasing beer? Would you be more apt to buy them now that the price has gone down?

Since I am not 21 years old yet, the high prices at big events have no really kept me from purchasing beer, it is the law. However, when I go to Celtics basketball games I talk to others around me and I have heard of people complain about the high prices for everything especially beer. If the prices went down I would purchase more then one beer during a game. I believe that sporting event revenues will increase. People will purchase two beers for $10.00 instead of one beer for $8.00. That is two more dollars in profit. Fenway is making a good decision to lower their prices. 

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Unforgettable Advertisements

The link above shows all the unforgettable advertisements from Nike to Bic Razor Advertisements. 

Advertising is a form of communication for marketing and is used to encourage and persuade an audience to purchase or take some action. For the examples given above, the commercial advertisements seek to generate increased consumption of their products. Obviously these advertisements are dramatic  but they definitely get their customers attention.

What is your favorite advertisement and why did it catch your attention?